Fire Evacuation Procedures

Fire Safety Procedures

Fire safety is everyone’s responsibility. All employees, members, contractors, and visitors are expected to follow established safety procedures to ensure the safe use of electrical/gas appliances (where permitted), the safe use, storage and disposal of hazardous/combustible materials (where permitted) and compliance with the requirements of the building’s policy on No Smoking.

If you have to evacuate the premises:

  • DO exit quickly and calmly by the nearest exit route

  • DO go directly to open air

  • DO close the door behind you

  • DO NOT stop to collect personal belongings

  • DO NOT use lifts

Any staff not at their usual place of work on hearing the evacuation signal, must leave the building and go to the assembly point. On no account must they return to their own workspace.

Any person suspecting or discovering a fire should:

  • Raise the alarm 

  • Dial 999 - ask for the Fire Brigade

  • If circumstances dictate or if ordered to do so, leave the building by the nearest available exit route

  • Only tackle the fire if capable, using the right extinguishers

Any person hearing a continuously sounding fire alarm (ring) must:

  • Leave the building by the nearest available exit route

  • Go directly to the assembly point

  • Fire Wardens should ensure all staff in their area have left the building

  • Never re-enter the building until instructed to do so 

  • Instructions given by the nominated staff (Fire Wardens) must be followed

  • When the fire brigade arrives, the Nominated Fire Warden or deputy will make him/herself known to the fire officer in charge and pass on relevant information.

Instructions given in an emergency evacuation by the Fire Wardens must be followed. Breaches of these procedures will be considered serious and may be dealt with under The Trampery’s Disciplinary Procedures.

Duties of Fire Wardens

Fire Wardens are responsible for the safety of all staff and must make themselves aware of the fire procedures for the building. Fire Wardens should be wearing a high visibility jacket as soon as it is evident an evacuation will take place. This ensures they can be easily identified.

  1. On Hearing The Fire Alarm

  • The Fire Warden must ensure all persons are made aware of the assembly point, and they leave the building by the nearest available exit route in a calm and orderly manner

  • Make sure all working areas, meeting rooms, cafe, common rooms, and toilets have been vacated  

  • The House Manager at the assembly point will receive all evacuating staff via the attending fire wardens reporting to him/her. All evacuated staff are to remain at the assembly point until they have been instructed by the Fire Brigade it is safe for them to reoccupy their floor

  • Fire wardens are to make sure the floor and fire exits are clear

  • “All Clear” and the instructions to re-enter the building can be given by the fire brigade only 

  1. On Discovering A Fire 

  • Raise the alarm. 

  • Telephone the fire brigade and advise of the location of the fire and your location, and what is on fire.

  • Only consider trying to extinguish the fire if it is safe and if proper training has been given, e.g. knowledge of which extinguisher to use on each fire and how to handle the fire extinguisher.

  • Where possible, the Fire Warden will ensure that windows and fire doors are closed. Once satisfied that their area within the building is clear and completely evacuated, the Fire Warden should leave the building by the escape route and report to the fire assembly point to check whether all persons can be accounted for.

When it comes to the fire-fighting aspect of their duties, it is important that Fire Wardens only attempt to tackle a fire in its early stages – if there is a doubt that the fire can be extinguished, evacuate as quickly as possible.

Fire Evacuation Plan