Standard Opening Times & Out of Hours Procedures


Standard Opening Times & Out Of Hours Procedures

Standard Opening Times & Procedures:

Member access to the workspace is 24/7 - you just need a key for your studio & your access card for the main entrance, South Loading Bay, bike sheds and bin storage room.

  • Outdoor communal areas & toilet facilities are also accessible 24/7. 

  • Cleaning services operate Monday to Friday 7-9 am (so just be aware that the cleaner will not be back until Monday when using the bathrooms & communal spaces on Friday or during the weekend!)

  • The Village Hall is open & staffed Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. There is no Trampery staff on weekends or public holidays. 

  • If you need help or assistance & cannot find a Trampery staff member on-site during a normal working day - you can use the Helpdesk option on Nexudus & another member of the team will be in touch. 

    In Emergencies out of Hours you can reach one of the following contacts:

  1. Marta Freimane (Community Manager) 07516854423

  2. Ania (Regional Community Manager HWFI) 07450739883

  3. Facilities Manager 0747376586561

  4. Stephanie Pryce (Operations Manager) 07496930055

  5. Here East Security 02038616860 for security matters only.

In case of an emergency please follow the Out of Hours Procedure below:

Serious incidents, life-threatening situations, reporting a crime
Emergency Services - dial 999
Medical Issues - dial 111
Property Issue that could put risk on life:

  1. Here East Security 02038616860 for security matters only

  2. Marta Freimane (Community Manager) 07516854423

  3. Ania (Regional Community Manager HWFI) 07450739883

  4. Facilities Manager  0747376586561

  5. Stephanie Pryce (Operations Manager) 07496930055

Less severe facility emergencies & space/studio issues
No hot water, electricity, or emergency cleaning: 

  1. Here East Security 02038616860

  2. Marta Freimane (Community Manager) 07516854423

  • Internet:
  • Chief Operating Officer (Elad Levy) 07496 930112

  • The Trampery Operations Team 

  • Non Emergency Issues

For any issues that need to be raised but can wait until we return to business/normal working hours - please send an email to 

If you spot suspicious activity around the site or your studio - it is always a good idea to report this to the police or Here East Security.